I’ve come to my retirement - UAM's disassembly facility. It doesn’t look too bad - 6000 foot runaway for landings and enough ramp to support parking for over 50 aircraft . My team certainly invested a bit of time finding a good place for me. The last flight was fun. I had a few pilots, and we didn’t settle for just a regular ole’ landing - oh no! We taxied by the other "retirees" - over 30 aircraft, from a 777 to a little CRJ200... And all those 737-Classics! Those boys were parked, just watching my arrival. I could tell some of them were jealous, and then there were a few... really reliving the glory days. That is, if a 737-Classic has glory days - haha! I may just keep that thought to myself... I don’t want any of these old fogies thinking I have a superiority complex, even if I do!
I’m looking forward to settling here. I’m already making friends with some of the other retirees and mechanics. Got a chess game with a 767 actually. Not sure how either of us are going to move our pieces, but he said not to worry. He’s played before, apparently.